Bonita Bella News

7 Simple Steps To Map Out Your Personal Fitness Guide


With different workout and diet plans roaming around it is really hard to tell which is the healthiest and most effective. However, with clear vision of what you want to achieve and proper understanding of where you at right now, you can easily identify which one will work for you. So follow these steps to map out your personal fitness guide. We want to call it “fitness guide” because getting fit does not always mean losing weight. There are actual cases where in a person gain weight while losing excess fats. How does it happen? Read on for you to find out.

Step#1 Know your starting point.

Make an honest assessment of yourself, if you are in doubt ask someone who can tell you how you look like without making any exaggerations or reservations for your feelings. Don’t allow emotions get in the way when you need to know your starting point. Yes, weighing scale and tape measure can be intimidating at times but you have to overcome that intimidation because these two can help you build the real picture of yourself in your head. Admit it or not, how we envision ourselves is strongly affected by our mood, therefore the best way to deal with yourself is to know the actual numbers. Check the following graph to know where you at right now. Are you overweight, underweight or in an average weight?

Step#2 Take a selfie.

Take off all your clothes just keep your under garments, face the mirror, turn off the filters of your camera and took a picture. This is not intended to upset you more, but since camera don’t lie, the picture you took will give you an idea of how other people see you physically. At the back of this picture write your actual body measurements and weight. With all these you now have more accurate vision of yourself a good starting point to draw your goal because you have the actual numbers to beat and a figure to shape.


Step#3 Review your medical records.

This is very important since your goal is not only to lose weight but to get fit and healthy. Check your most recent medical record and use it as a basis for your workout and diet plan. But how recent is “recent”? Medical records that are less than one year are considered “recent” as long as you don’t have sensitive medical conditions like chronic diseases or any health problems that requires you to take regular medications like hypertension or diabetes.  If your health is not that perfect then ask your doctor’s advice bout the proper diet and exercise you can do to achieve healthier body.

Step#4 Choose healthier options.

Food pyramid remains true even for the grownups. Any diet plan that contradict the proportion of foods in food pyramid needs a closer look. There is no such thing as vitamin, fiber or potassium overdose that can be harmful to human especially if the source are fresh fruits and vegetables. Diet that cut out sugar and fats from your meal must be clear on what kind of sugar and fats to cut. Because moderate amount of sugar in your body is still required to generate energy that you need to complete your day to day activities. While good fats helps our body control hunger and promote healthy metabolism.  


Step#5 Listen to your body clock.

Most of us think that the ideal time to workout is in the morning. But with the more complex schedule we are thriving in today morning workout is not always the best option. However, it is best for individuals who have rested and completed at least 8 hours of sleep the night before but if you are not included in this group, don’t push that morning exercise because it can do more harm than good to your body.


Step#6 Identify bad pain from good pain.

Looking back on the picture you took in step#2 you can identify parts of your body that need improvements.  From there you can choose from different workout plans to shape and strengthen specific part of your body. Look at the picture below to identify which exercises you need to include in your routine.

Pain is good for it somehow tells you that you applied enough pressure on the muscles you targeted with specific exercise. On the other hand there are unnecessary pains you can avoid by properly executing your routines. But there are also cases that your body needs a little external support to protect yourself from injuries, so make sure that you use workout clothes that support your body and give you more flexibility like our own Fit Collection.


Step#7 Know when to get help.

Modifying a lifestyle is a long-term process and it comprises different phase. There are days when you feel too motivated and wanting to extend the hours of your workout. There are days that you’ll get tired and gave in to your cravings. And there will also times that you will doubt yourself because you don’t see the improvements you expected. On those moments make sure that you have someone who can help you pick up yourself from slipping. Someone who can tap your back for a job well done and motivate you when you feel like giving up. Like when numbers on the weighing scale and your reflection in the mirror confuses you, those moments that you don’t notice your body fats are being replaced by muscles. Times when unnecessary pain and pressure stresses you; you need to know how to get and from whom to get help.


Remember we are created uniquely that is why we cannot expect getting an exact the same result from specific workout plan. We have laid this checklist to help you map out your personal success plan on your journey to get fit and healthy. Just make sure to remain true to yourself as you do your assessment because that is very important to make your plan a real success.

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