Bonita Bella News » healthy lifestyle

The Four "S" to Manage Stress

Life is still beautiful we just need to know how to live it well even stress of different shapes and sizes confront us on a daily basis. We just need to keep in mind that we are the one who should manage stress and not the other way around.

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Practical Tips From A Desperate Mom To Be

To be honest, writing this blog took me a while to finish, not because I lost words or my sanity upon writing. But it is the fact that I have to talk about a topic that gives me mixed emotions – excitement, fear, sadness, frustration, shame, hope, anxiety etc. – maybe because it is the deepest seated longing that I silently kept inside for almost seven years now, “becoming a mother”. I have watched different videos from YouTube of pregnancy revelations. There are simple and sweet, there are melodramatic and there are super cool or should I say extravagant in terms of production. But all-in-all it boils down to the fact that every announcement of a baby coming soon is...

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4 Pointers to Remember to Fix Your Wardrobe After Losing Weight

Most women who are trying to get in their perfect shape thought that after removing those extra bulges everything will be perfect and she can just fit into her old clothes. For some girls it works that way but it is not always the scenario. I don’t want to sound like it is a major concern but I might say that this is one of the good issues you need to address when you succeed in your weight loss journey. If you are just in the middle of your program and you want to lose more, you wouldn’t want to spend money changing your entire wardrobe just yet. Though the success of your workout become more visible and people around...

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It’s January 2016! Fresh start, new beginnings, a time to draft another new year’s resolution or bucket list. But how committed you are to your plans that really matters. Though new year gives us different kind of hope to start things that we wanted to do for so long, as if something is being ignited within us. It sometimes pushes us to do things and make abrupt decisions without really weighing out the pros and cons. And sadly often times we are the victim of our own plot. Read on and see how “TRANSFORM ME NOW” mentality blinded us on this time of year. #1 Slimmer Figure Procedure: Liposuction, Lipoplasty or Lipo  It is a procedure that is intended to...

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7 Simple Steps To Map Out Your Personal Fitness Guide

  With different workout and diet plans roaming around it is really hard to tell which is the healthiest and most effective. However, with clear vision of what you want to achieve and proper understanding of where you at right now, you can easily identify which one will work for you. So follow these steps to map out your personal fitness guide. We want to call it “fitness guide” because getting fit does not always mean losing weight. There are actual cases where in a person gain weight while losing excess fats. How does it happen? Read on for you to find out. Step#1 Know your starting point. Make an honest assessment of yourself, if you are in doubt ask...

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