Bonita Bella News » strong women

5 Simple Steps to a Happier You

You cannot expect happiness to come and stay if you are not decided to keep it.

If difficult people have trained themselves to scrutinize other people’s action and they become good at it, then it only proves that it is possible for us to control our mind and emotions to whatever direction we want.

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Reflection of a Modern Woman

  Gone are the days that women are conforming to what the society dictates. The best thing for being part of this generation is the freedom to be who you want to be. We are free to choose the fashion style we want and make our own fashion statement. We are free to climb the career ladders that are dominated by men for how many decades. And we can make our own living so we no longer depend on men to provide for us and that gave us the freedom to draw our own love story, far from the drafts laid before us, one that has been drafted thinking about financial security and convenience. This is the real picture of...

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