Bonita Bella News » waist trainer how it works

A Thank you Email we got from unique woman :

A Thank you Email we got from unique woman :  I glot a bit Emotional while reading it.. Thank you !    Before I start telling you guys about how this product changed my life, I will start by introducing myself a bit. My name is Michel and I’m 47, divorced and have 3 children the ages of 22, 25, 28. For most of my life I was dedicated to raising my kids and making sure they had everything they needed. My kids are all grown up, and now it’s time to take care of myself, go out, and even  date once again. I find myself with no confidence, looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. After having...

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Do waist Trainers really work ?

WHAT IS A WAIST TRAINER ? A Waist trainer is a compression garment that acts as an incrediblebody-shaping miracle-worker, focusing its inch-trimming effects on your waist. Waist trainers are usually made of a special latex fabric,and they have a compressive design. These two features are the key elements of an efficient waist training garment! HOW DOES IT WORK? The latex fabric stimulates perspiration in your core, and around your midsection, thus intensifying the slimming effects of waist training. The compression feature that waist trainers provide is the hourglass-figure creating secret ingredient! Putting on a waist trainer for the first time feels like an instant body-makeover! You just won’t be able to stop staring at yourself in the mirror! The Bonita...

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Shaped Up to Win

  Oh how wonderful it is to get out on your bed in the morning, eat whatever your palate may desire and still look perfectly great getting into your body hugging wardrobe. However, not everyone is that lucky to enjoy that kind of luxury including me. Being born with a bit over than average frame and being convinced that I look cute as I grow up with those extra baby fat here and there, I thought that everything was fine ‘til I reached my teenage years. The “well that is fine” attitude has eventually faded a little everyday as I learn to browse the internet and open those fashion magazines. I murmur how life is not so fair with individuals...

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