Bonita Bella News

A Thank you Email we got from unique woman :

A Thank you Email we got from unique woman :  I glot a bit Emotional while reading it.. Thank you ! 


Before I start telling you guys about how this product changed my life, I will start by introducing myself a bit. My name is Michel and I’m 47, divorced and have 3 children the ages of 22, 25, 28. For most of my life I was dedicated to raising my kids and making sure they had everything they needed.

My kids are all grown up, and now it’s time to take care of myself, go out, and even  date once again. I find myself with no confidence, looking in the mirror and not liking what I see.

After having a few hard months I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself. The first thing I remember was trying to find different ways that will give me motivation to even start. I’m sure most of you women who gave birth know what happens to our figures and what gravity can do.

The first time I was introduced to the Corset was when I met a friend of mine that looked like she lost about 20 pounds since the last time I saw her, she looked beautiful. Surprisingly, she opened her dress and showed me she was wearing a Corset.  She started telling me how it changed her life since she first purchased it. I thought it was a joke at first, but she was totally serious and the next step was her taking me on a tour in Bonita Bella website showing me all the different ways you can shape your body easily without paying a fortune. That was the first time I ordered a Corset. Since that small decision I can’t even explain how many good things have happened. It was so powerful that I decided to write down how this really affected me. After a long time not wearing any dresses, I put on my new corset and on top a dress and I must say it made me feel sexy and attractive after a very long time. But that was only the beginning, it pushed me to start working out, and even buying new clothes I never thought I could wear. It basically was a beginning of a big change.

Today I weigh 23 pounds less, I work out and even went on a few dates.

The corset showed me how sometimes we can make a small decision in life without knowing what a big difference it can make.

After having this amazing experience, and still having the corset a big part of my life, I recommend all of you to give it a try.

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