66 - Compression Socks for Varicose Veins

$24.99 $29.99

Brand: Accesorios

Product Description

  If your job involves sitting at a desk or standing up the majority of the time, you know the negative consequences that these types of activities have on your legs. The Compression Socks for Varicose Veins are highly recommended by medical professionals. The compression socks are ideal for preventing and easing pain in your legs.
The socks have a gradual compressive design. Your ankles will receive the maximum amount of compression. The level of compression eases as the socks rise up your legs. Wearing compression socks is proven to eliminate swelling and heaviness in the legs, and it makes healing quicker and more efficient after having varicose vein surgery.
The gradual compression stimulates a more efficient blood flow in the legs, so this design works as a permanent leg massager.