ANTONIA - Colombian Push Up Jeans by Bonita Bella


Brand: Jeans

Product Description

 Enjoy a substantial butt-lift that’s not conditioned by bulky extra padding, which can make you feel uncomfortable and even become visible at a closer look! We’re talking about the natural, yet significant, butt-lifting results offered by the ANTONIA push-up jeans.

●The innovative design behind these stunning denim bottoms will not only give you a rounder, firmer, perkier lifted rear, but also remodel your whole lower body!

●The bidirectional stretch fabric, paired with the high-rise waistband, will flatten your abdomen, will trim extra inches off of your waistline, smooth-out your hips and thighs, while making your legs look longer; having a slimming effect on your entire silhouette.

●The embellishments and the eye-catching pocket designs will draw even more attention to your lifted buttocks! 
